
Tuesday, June 25, 2013


Modica is preparing to celebrate the feast day of one of her two patron saints, St Peter, on Saturday and, as part of these celebrations, a very special restoration has been unveiled.  It is a statue of the saint which has stood in a niche on the Corso Umberto  [Modica Bassa's main street] since the 1940s and is known locally as "San Pietro ri petra". I must admit, I had never noticed it before [which again proves the truth of the saying that you should not forget to look up when in Sicily].

The restoration was the inspiration of the Modica Rotary Club and one reason for their enthusiasm for the project was the determination of the war generation to have spiritual representations among the houses where ordinary people went about their daily business and lived their lives.  The restoration has been lovingly and faithfully carried out by Gaetana Ascenzo and the statue is now protected from atmospheric pollution by special glass. [Sorry about the reflection.]

Long may San Pietro, protector of fishermen, fishmongers, cobblers, locksmiths, reapers, watchmakers and doormen, continue to bless Modica. 


  1. Thank you for posting this Patrizia! Besides seeing the restoration of St Peter, I now know what St. Peter's St day is, and my husband is also Peter.

    How are you and Simi?? I'm finally feeling like I've moved on to the next part of loosing my mother, great fully!


  2. Thanks, Constance. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. I'm getting over things, thanks and feel more myself. xx
    Echoed, WW.

  3. Speaking of feasts...I made a load of lemon-grapefruit marmalade on Monday...this morning I've just made a batch of scones!

    Say no more!!!
