
Friday, May 24, 2013


Italians don't go in for food crazes in the way that the British do, and especially not in Sicily, where people still tend to eat seasonal food and are convinced that their own is the best.  

Lately, though, I've noticed a growing interest in different kinds of salt and I have collected these specimens.  I was particularly pleased to see grey Breton salt among the range as I hadn't been able to find any in eight years and I have missed it. Now I think the manufacturers should add Welsh seasalt, too.

I'm expecting a salt-admonishing blog visit from my friend James any minute but meanwhile it's time for that summer song:

Gino Paoli - Sapore di sale


  1. Oh dear...I have no idea what gray Breton sea salt is, but I never use salt. I don't add it at the table and I leave it out of 99.9% of the recipes I make. Once in a while I'll add half or a quarter of what the recipe calls for, but not very often. I just don't care for salt. I complain to my family when we eat out. Restaurants use too much salt for my taste. I think I'm probably the only person in the world that doesn't like salt. There's a lot of salt in food already...especially anything canned.

  2. Hi, Betty. That's a very healthy way to cook. I rarely find food over-salted here, though.

  3. For your delectation:

  4. Hi, James. Well, I don't happen to think I do add too much salt as I never add it after cooking, nor do I put it on the table, except to add to salads. Sicilian seasalt is stronger than the type we get in Britain but you get used to it. It's all largely a matter of opinion.

  5. PS: No one could argue with the fact that too much salty is bad for you but I also have personal experience of watching someone becoming very ill because there was not enough salt in her system.
