
Friday, April 19, 2013


The Moro Cookbook has a recipe for roast chicken which has been marinated in harissa and the other day, it occurred to me that this should work with stinco of pork.  Stinco is the shin cut and it is much beloved of Italians for Sunday lunch. Some of my friends just marinate it in red wine - preferably a Nero d'Avola, they all say - and herbs, then cook it slowly in the oven.  I decided to liven it up a bit and this is what I did:

Rub about 1 tablesp harissa all over a stinco. Put it in a bowl, season, and sprinkle a little dried oregano over it.  Leave in the fridge for a few hours or overnight.

Line a small roasting tin with foil and put the stinco in the centre. Slice 3 largeish, unpeeled potatoes and 2 carrots. Cut a red pepper into strips. Put the vegetables around the stinco and add about 6 unpeeled garlic cloves.  Season the vegetables and add some sprigs of fresh rosemary and thyme.  Pour 3 tablesp olive oil over the vegetables and drizzle a little over the stinco.  Pour the juice of 2 - 3 lemons over the vegetables, too.

Cover the tin with foil and put it in the oven at 170 C for 1.5 hours, turning the vegetables over half way through the cooking. Then take the foil off, add a little more oil and cook for another 20 - 30 mins.  Watch it carefully during this time.

Slice the stinco and serve with the vegetables.

This will serve 3 people. If you want to serve more hungry folk, you can always add another stinco!

Buon appetito.


  1. I have some harissa in the pantry - need to think of a good veggie dish to use it in :)

  2. This sounds all so very delicious.

    It might just have to be included on my list of meals to eat, I think!

  3. This sounds delicious. Can you get Harissa in Canada, do you think? And do you think it would work with firm tofu? [ I am a vegan]. This is just the type of meal I would love[without the meat, of course]. :)

  4. I have added this dish to my "to cook" list, we use Harissa quite a bit .. Is shin , what we would use over here?

  5. Hi, Rachel. I'm sure you can think of one! Thanks, Lee. I am flattered. Hi, Uber and thank you. I don't know much about tofu but I don't see why it shouldn't work. Let me know if you try it! Hi, Anne and thanks. The cuts are different here but if it was lamb, it would be the osso buco cut. IO would just take a picture of it to the butcher! That's what I do here when I want a British cut!

  6. I think I might try that.Oh, I see Anne has already asked the question I was going to ask. I'll have to pay a visit to my favourite butcher.

  7. Hi, Liz. I'm sure your butcher will know what cut to give you. Hope the recipe works well for you.
