
Tuesday, February 05, 2013


February evenings can be chilly in Sicily and when that happens, a good spezzatino is what I need.  On Saturday I threw this one together and it was successful:

Spezzatino of pork and peppers
[serves 4]

4 tablesp olive oil
1 kg cubed pork for spezzatino [My butcher makes sure there is a fair bit of fat on the meat, as he believes, rightly, that this will give the stew a better flavour. The "cubes" are big in Sicily!].
1 medium white onion, chopped
1 large red and 1 large yellow pepper, chopped not too finely
400 gr can pomodorini [cherry tomatoes] in their juice or of chopped tomatoes
c. 200 gr sliced mushrooms
a little chopped parsley and sage
large glass white wine
coarse seasalt and black pepper

Brown the pork pieces, stirring, in the oil.  After 2 mins, add the onion and keep stirring. When the meat is brown all over, add the peppers and cook for 10 mins. Add the tomatoes with their juice, white wine and herbs.  Bring to the boil, season and simmer for about one hour.

Serve with orange salad and feel warm and cared about.


  1. Now that is food that will give you a big hug!

  2. Anything with peppers in cheers the soul and warms the body. I would change the pork for chicken with bacon for the fatty element.

  3. Thanks, jams. Good thinking, Cuby.

  4. I threw together a lot of meat the other day...threw it into a giant garbage bag and then into the garbage bin for collections.

    The contents of my fridge and freezer were discarded after the four day power outage - the result of the extreme weather conditions we experienced.

    Now I'm in the process of replenishing stocks.

    That dish could very well soon be featured on my dinner menu!

  5. I love the title "Spezzatino" and it looks so good. Adding this to my collection of Welshcakes' Recipes. Never had an Orange Salad before. Thanks for the post.

  6. Hi, Lee. A four-day power cut must have been awful. Hope all is OK there now. Thanks, Claude. You must try orange salad!

  7. I'm going to make this for our valentine special, it looks and sound delicious Welshcakes.
    We both love Pork and it's such a good deal at present.
    We should have been having Duck breast in a black cherry and Kirsh sauce but my Waitrose on line delivery was messed duck !
    So, after reading about your recipe, you have inspired me to make it. Ian loves peppers.....sorted !

    love to you and Simi, Chloe says purr purr zzzzng,

  8. I am flattered, Di and I hope it turned out well for you. Love to you all from Simi and me. xx woof!
