
Monday, February 18, 2013


Sometimes, when you have had a long, hard day and want to watch a long but rewarding programme like Masterchef Italia or Sanremo, or are looking forward, as I am this evening, to watching Beppe Fiorello playing the great singer Domenico Modugno [of Volare fame] in a Rai mini-series, you need good, fast food.  That's when the local butcher comes up trumps:

 Now, here's a golden oldie that I first heard in Italy over 40 years ago. It was the B-side of Anthony Quinn's record [for such was the terminology then] I Love You, You Love Me. Those were the days!


  1. Stuffed tomatoes are always welcome. Enjoy your television shows!

  2. Thanks,Rosaria. I enjoyed the Modugno Story tonight and there's episode two tomorrow.

  3. OMG! I've not heard that Anthony Quinn one in years and years and years! I'd forgotten all about it! Thanks, Pat! How wonderful!

    And a happy belated birthday for 14th February...I hope you had a wonderful day. :)

  4. Yourbstuffed tomatoes loook very delicious, Pat! When I visited Italy I found the TV programs there very entertaining. I'd love to see Mastercief Italia.

  5. Mmmm - love stuffed tomatoes!

  6. Hi, Lee. Glad someone else remembers it! Yes, I had a great day, thank you. x
    Hi, Pat. Yes, they arer very good at variety shows but there are some awful quiz shows! Masterchef Italia final is this week! You can see bits of it on their site.
    Me too, WW.
