
Thursday, January 10, 2013


As I write, Silvio Berlusconi is taking part in a major television debate on La 7's Servizio Pubblico programme. Having told us that he bears no responsibility for the economic crisis and expounded [again] on the justice system, the former Premier has just indulged in his second TV outburst of the week and, to a chorus of boos, cleaned the chair on which critical journalist Marco Travaglio had been sitting before taking it.  These outbursts have been and are being widely reported, as you would expect.

What has been less widely reported is the former Premier's comment about the actions of the Milan football team, which he owns, to a racist incident last week.  The team, as most of you will know, walked off the pitch in unison in support of a colleague who had been subjected to racist chanting during a "friendly" match.  Mr Berlusconi has expressed his support of the players' action and has said he will back them again whenever similar incidents occur. I am no defender of Mr Berlusconi but for this, at least, he deserves some credit.


  1. Berlusconi is just incredible, in a horrible way.

  2. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day

  3. Love Jams' comment.

  4. Couldn't agree more, Jenny. Hi, jams. I never thought of that! Me too, Claude.

  5. No. I don't think one can 'give it to Bersclowni', at all

    Pace , "Silvio Berlusconi was investigated for a reference about a sexual relationship with the teenager El Mahroug, who is called "Ruby Rubacuori" in Italy. The trial is ongoing as of November 2011."

    and that is just skimming the surface for Corruption and sheer Criminality which is endemic across all Governments including the EU.

    As for 'racist chants', this only occurs if it is non-white, if it even though if it were whites it would be over looked.

    Meanwhile check out the 'Racism' and genocide that as being backed and unleashed by Western governments in Syria and the Libya that was,in the name of 'Democracy'

    Happy New

  6. In my experience - and I do have quite a lot of it, NH - very few people are all good or all bad. Yes, I am well aware of what has been going on. Racism is ugly whoever it is directed at and wherever it occurs. I do also follow the news and am aware of the excesses of the West.

  7. Credit must always be given when due...and from your last paragraph, is due.
