Thursday, January 03, 2013


A few months ago, I lamented the fact that Ferrero had withdrawn the chocolate flavour from their Gran Soleil desserts. These are a cross between an ice cream and a mousse and taste smooth and delicious. Well, they brought it back for the Christmas period and the packs came with cute little chocolate trees. I can't show you one of these because they were just begging to be eaten......

Come on, Ferrero, don't be mean - bring the choc one back permanently!


Cuby said...

Chocolates just have to be eaten or they might get stale, rubbish excuse I know! These chocs sound delicious.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Sounds a great excuse to me, Cuby!

Lee said...

I still have a Lindt Bunny that's been sitting in my fridge from Easter five years ago. I just haven't got the heart to eat him after all this time. He's my little mate, now...and he smiles at me every time I open my fridge...he's knows I'm never going to eat him...he's safe!

Claude said...

No chocolate has ever been safe in my company. In my early youth, at home, I had to be put on a no-chocolate diet. I was allowed a chocolate cake on my Birthday, and a few marshmallow cookies enrobed in chocolate. It worked...As an adult, I learned to control my chocolate intake on a monthly basis. I love Ferrero and Lidnt but they have a strong competition with Laura Secord, a Canadian Chocolate Company which was inspired, on the centenary of the 1812 War heroine, to produce divine candies. Nearly impossible to resist...

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Lee. I can totally identify with your affection for your Lindt bunny! Hello, Claude. Thanks for sharing that. I'm going to look up Laura Secord now. Hi, Nerys. Perhaps we should have a Welsh march on Ferrero headquarters!

James Higham said...

Perhaps you need to write to them, Welshcakes.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, James. No, I'm definitely into storming!

Lucia said...


Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Lucia and happy new year.


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