
Friday, December 28, 2012


Christmas really began for me on the evening of the 21st, when the Modican "foreign legion" held their annual multilingual carol service.  We were a little quieter than usual, having lost a dear member, but we did our best to sing out for her.

Chiara had decided that it was more important than ever to spend pleasant times together, so another gathering took place at her house on Saturday morning.  This is where the serious eating began!  Christmas just isn't Christmas without hot mince pies, and there were plenty of those:

I had made a batch of Welshcakes with cranberries:

Chiara had made a lovely Christmas cake

and Roberta had made these yummy, nut-flavoured "thins":

 There was homemade shortbread, too

and it wouldn't have been a Sicilian "tea" if someone hadn't brought along some ice cream!

Later on Saturday, we held a little Christmas party for students over at English Matters.  Our clever secretary, Martina, made these exquisite chocolates

and this was my go at making Nigella's chocolate Christmas cake:

 These delightful creations came from a Modican pasticceria:

Then suddenly it was Christmas Eve, which I again spent with Linda, Chiara and  family.

As I don't eat fish, I had to pass on these salmon appetisers but I'm sure they were delicious:

Don't you love the way these little appetisers are cut?

There was calabrese salad

 and it is traditional to serve several kinds of focaccia:

I hadn't made pumpkin bread for a while, so prepared some of that to take along:

I had to pass on the salmon with beignets too, but I loved the presentation:

Then there was one of my favourite Christmas Eve dishes, roasted artichokes:

Chiara had made another Christmas cake and it was scrumptious:

And finally, there was warm panettone:

"See you later this morning", we called as we parted and within a few hours we all met at Grazia's for Christmas lunch.

There was pasta, of course:

Linda provided the British elements and very good they were:

I had to pass again on these:

Here comes Grazia's pollo ripieno, with a garnish to gladden this blogger's heart:

And where there is Grazia, there will be excellent homemade pane condito:

I had made my standby semifreddo di marrons glacés. This time I added a little more cocoa powder for the colour and a few drops of cinnamon liqueur.  [The recipe for this is in Il Cucchiaio d'Argento.]

One of my young friends had made this pretty lemon cake and served it with justifiable pride:

The parents of Grazia's youngest guests had hoped that this chocolate crib, made and sold by a charitable organisation, would be opened and consumed on New Year's Eve.  Needless to say, it wasn't to be:

Then there was more warm panettone:

We all felt very lucky to have been able to celebrate Christmas together this year.


  1. I love mince pies, and cranberry welshcakes sound great. And those chocolates... And, and... let's face it, I just love all the food at this time of year :)
    Merry Christmas & best wishes for 2013

  2. Hi, Rachel. Me,too. Happy New Year to you.

  3. Oh my word, welshcakes! I've been catching up on your posts. First of all, thank you for our Christmas card and belated happy birthday to Simi! George sends huge woofs and sniffs.

    All this food looks so good. My Italian daughter-in-law was saying that she loves artichokes; could you tell me how to cook them please? Those look lovely. I assume they're stuffed?

    It is pouring with rain here and has been on and off for what seems like weeks. Enjoy your sunshine and be patient! xx

  4. And I thought I had cooked so much

    Happy New Year !

  5. Hi, Liz. Thanks for your card, too. Simi is delighted to have birthday wishes from you and George and sends woofs and wags. Yes, these artichokes are stuffed. I'll look out the recipe and post on it - soon! Hope the weather cheers up for you. Happy New Year. xx Hello, NH. I'm sure you cooked lots of delicious food! Happy New Year to you.
