
Tuesday, December 18, 2012


I'm rather fussy when it comes to diaries.  I know you young folk use your cellphones to schedule your lives but I still like to use pen and paper for this purpose. [I hope we're not quite at the point where someone will ask, "What's pen and paper?"]

Anyway, I usually end up with several diaries, as I can never find one which suits all my purposes. I have an academic year diary for work purposes but find I need a calendar year one as well.  I favour a double-page week-to-view format with spaces big enough to write in several reminders for each day but for some reason this type of diary is difficult to find in Italy.  Last year my bank gave me one and I nearly fell over right there at the desk because the shock of a bank employee handing me something that was not unpleasant was too much for me.

I also acquired this one, coutesy of the Mondadori bookshop and I like it because it has literary details:

This one is rather complicated, what with tear-off bits that seem to be inserted at random and no clear format

so in June I stopped tearing my hair out in frustration and contented myself with prettying up the cover for the Jubilee:

It seems a bit early to be thinking of next year's diary, though in reality it's not and I was pleased yesterday when the cashier at the Conad supermarket gave me this one.  It has two days to a double page, you can tear them off to make a shopping list and there are tips and recipes as well.  I like the bright cover, too.

Let's hear it for the Conad!


  1. Over the years, I've started many diaries..."started" being the operative word!

    When working in offices I always found the good old desk calendar suited me and my way of doing things. My diaries, after about the first week, remained unused and unopened! But...that's me!

  2. I agree with you: pen & paper are far better and a useful reminder of years past.

  3. When I was young I always kept a diary of sorts. However, they were always old barely filled Diaries given to me by my Mum and I filled them with drawings and stories

    Buon Natale

    Merry Christmas Pat

  4. Hi, Lee. Yes, I think we all have our own diary preferences. Glad I'm not alone, WW. Hi, NH. Have you kept any of them? Buon Natale to you, too.


  5. Hi.


    I haven't. But my scribbles persist with me into Adult life!

  6. That's the important thing, NH.
