
Friday, December 21, 2012


Football's - and my - favourite Sicilian naughty boy, Mario Balotelli, has some difficulty when it comes to gift-wrapping and blames being left-handed:

But give the guy a break - he's probably never had to do it! In Italy you hardly ever have to gift-wrap as almost all shops will do it for you, at no extra charge, all year round.  I brought this roll of festive wrap with me from Britain seven years ago [having been at that "might as well throw it in" point with the move] and I think it's going to last a few more Christmases yet:

If that team manager of yours  [you can tell he's Italian too by the elegant way he ties his scarves] would like to gift-wrap you, Mario, I'll be very happy to unwrap you on Christmas morning.  Sigh....


  1. I used to be able to do a nice job of wrapping gifts; however, with lack of practice and arthritis all of my gifts now go into decorative bags. Merry Christmas, Pat and Simi!

  2. Calling by to thankyou for your support of my blogging over the last year, being left handed is a great excuse, I should know! Meanwhile I wish you a wonderful Christmas season and hope you will have time to call by and listen to the music on News From Italy over the holidays.

  3. And Merry Xmas to you and cats, Nick. xx woof! E altrettanto, WW. Thank you for your supprt too, LindyLouMac. I'll be over as soon as I can. You have a wonderful Xmas, too. xx
