
Wednesday, December 05, 2012


Carni e pisci, a vita ti crisci - Meat and fish prolong your life.
- Sicilian proverb

If the above proverb has any truth in it, my friend Carol and I did a little life-prolonging when we had a meal at Bar Cicara on Saturday night:

First, this generous plate of antipasti came with our drinks:

When we ordered our meal we were asked if we wanted another platter of antipasti but we passed on that.  It was just as well that we did as they don't believe in small portions when it comes to the main course, either.  We both had steak:

And talking of long life, Corriere della Sera today reported that the oldest living person in the world is now 115-year-old Dina Manfredini of Iowa, USA. Born in Modena [Emilia-Romagna] in 1897, Mrs Manfredini  is also one of the last four living people to have been born during the reign of King Umberto I.  Although she left Italy at the age of 23, she still occasionally speaks Italian to her local priest.

But if you want to live a mere 100 years, the place to come to is, as I've written before, Ispica!


  1. That's why I love the way Italians cook and eat...the cook and eat with gusto. Their food is hearty, healthy and colourful...and is prepared the way food should be prepared. Love it!

    An Aussie elder citizen died overnight...a lady of grace, kindness and generosity who spent the major part of her life in philanthropic pursuits...Dame Elisabeth Murdoch was aged 103.

    Dame Elisabeth was Rupert Murdoch's mother...and no matter what anyone's personal opinion is of the son, the mother was a gracious lady; and one who was held in high esteem in this country.

  2. I am going to have to come up with the money to eat out! Soon!

  3. Antipasti and the meaning of life.

  4. Looks good, WL! The oldest person in Winchester (that I know of) will be 107 in January.

  5. I do so agree, Lee. That's interesting about the lady in Australia and I will explore the link with interest. Hi, Nick. It doesn't cost anything like in Britain here. Hi, James. What better combination could there be? Hi, WW. That's interesting to know.
