
Saturday, November 17, 2012


For everyone who is having a melancholy Saturday evening, missing one special person...

Claudio Baglioni - Tu come stai?


  1. What a lovely song albeit melancholy as you said. I'm reading your blog on a very windy and rainy Sunday night. The wood-stove is blasting out heat and I am curled up with my laptop on the couch. The person your posting made me think of is my dad who passed away just short of 3 years ago. I still miss him every day, and probably always will. My dad never made it to Italy, but I think he would have loved it. He did spend a good deal of time in Wales during the war, visiting my Mum's family in Abertillary. Thanks for the posting for bringing my dad back into my thoughts!

  2. It may be sad but still a lovely song.

  3. Hello, Diane and welcome. I do empathise about your Dad. Mine died nearky 40 years ago and I miss him every day still - but the memories are happy ones. I'm sure your Dad was lovely.
    Glad you liked it too, LindyLouMac.
