
Wednesday, October 10, 2012


A quick update on yesterday's post:  at 12.10pm Beppe Grillo completed his swim across the Strait of Messina and as I write this, he is still on his feet and surrounded, as you might expect, by the microphones of journalists.  Whatever one may think of his politics, it should be admitted that the 3.2 km swim was quite an  achievement for a man of 64. Go, Beppe! 

A video of Mr Grillo's departure from Cannitello [Calabria] has been posted on his blog and I'm sure that other clips of the crossing will be posted there during the day.

"E che l'Italia ha bisogno della Sicilia, e non che la Sicilia ha bisogno dell'Italia" - "The point is that Italy needs Sicily, not that Sicily needs Italy", said Mr Grillo before leaving Calabria. 


  1. Although I know nothing of the man or of his politics, he must be commended for that swim...particularly at his age! Good on him!

    Best wishes to you and Simi, Pat...I hope you're both well and fighting fit! :)

    Cheers from Down Under!

  2. WOW...that is impressive. I wonder how it'll affect his popularity.

  3. Hi, Lee. Yes, he deserves praise for the crossing. Best wishes to you, too. We're Ok, thanks. xx
    Hi, Hawkins Family. Yes, it will be interesting to see what reactions he gets here.

  4. What a magnificent feat fro this swimmer!

    It still amazes me that Italy has yet to build a bridge to connect Calabria to Sicily.

  5. As a very slow and not very efficient swimmer myself I am always full of admiration for anyone who can do something like this. Good on him. But it would be easier to cross in a boat or by bridge :)

  6. Hi, Pat. I thought so, too. There's a lot of controversy over the proposed bridge. A lot of people here think it will never happen. Hi, Jenny. Me, too. He must have trained really hard to be able to do it. Yes, indeed, WW.

  7. I've never heard of the guy - but I absolutely respect that achievement. Amazing!

  8. Hi, Rachel. Yes, fantastic.
