
Monday, September 10, 2012


I have to admit that I felt quite nostalgic this afternoon as I watched the Team GB Athletes' Parade through London. There was just something about the grey sky, the orderliness and organisation combined with evident joy that made it beautifully and delightfully British and the tears were streaming down my face.  I was three years old at the time of the present Queen's Coronation and, though a lot of my "memories" of it have probably been embroidered by what I have seen and read since, I have a very clear memory of an atmosphere of joy and hope. I imagine that people in my own country are experiencing similar emotions now.

Later a student of mine - who knew nothing of the Parade but perhaps a little telepathy was in operation all the same - had the lovely thought of making a cake for me and we had afternoon tea. That's one of the nicest things anyone has done for me and suddenly London didn't seem so far away after all.


  1. I do hope what you teach them about afternoon tea is carried on to all their teachers!
    A lovely tradition ritual for sure!

  2. p.s. for me, a snack to take me back would be a crusty heel of bread with a drizzle of olive oil, a squashed tomato and a couple of basil leaves.

  3. It looks as if it has a beautiful texture, that cake. It's surprisingly hard to achieve. Your friend must be a good cook!

  4. What a lovely gesture! And the cake looks so delicious. Glad it comforted you in your bout with nostalgia.

  5. The London Olympics, including the Paralympics were wonderful and Britain deserves a gold medal for hosting such great events. A job well done by all concerned.

    I want a slice that cake, now! I was going to make myself a date, banana and walnut loaf today...I've not gotten around to it as yet. I might have to get cracking!

    I hope all is well with you and Simi, Pat. Take care.

  6. There's been a great atmosphere over here, WL, in spite of it being the wettest summer since 1912.

  7. Hi, Rosaria. People don't do it as much as they used to in Britain because of work commitments and so on. Also, as a nation, we tend to eat later now. But it is a nice tradition. I can understand about your snack. When I went to live in Prague for a month I took a hunk of Pecorino and some pasta! Hi, Jenny. Yes, it is hard to achieve and my friend is an excellent cook. Hi, Claude. Yes, so thoughtful and it was delicious. It helped a lot - just the thought that someone would do that for me. Hi, Lee. I agree. Oh, I wish I could taste your date and banana loaf when you do make it! Love from Simi and me. xx woof!

  8. I'm making it today, Pat! I'll have a slice for you...probably a warm one not long out of the oven! I rarely can help myself! I'm weak!

  9. Looks wholesome. I have been doing a spate of spontaneous cake making

    I adapted a Simmnel cake recipe for a Birthday cake and with some success so I am told

    I recently made a simple pesto sauce using organic grown from seed (Greek) Basil...I must do a little more Italian cooking

  10. Hi again, Lee. Thanks for the delicious slice! Hi, "Nothing Here". You do sound creative.
