
Thursday, September 27, 2012


We're back with the Italian media tonight as I had to laugh at today's headlines in the foreign news sections of most of the newspapers here:  Reporting British Prime Minister David Cameron's shaming, and now famous, responses to British history questions posed to him by David Letterman last night, ANSA, La Repubblica and Il Messaggero all have "Cameron bocciato in storia" ["Cameron failed in history"] while Corriere della Sera contents itself with calling poor Dave an ignorante.

I must admit I didn't know who composed Rule Britannia either but I did know it wasn't Elgar and there were other questions that few of Mr Cameron's compatriots could have answered correctly.  That, however, does not make it all right and I groaned when Mr Cameron, displaying a typically British disregard for the existence of languages other than English together with a shocking lack of awareness of basic etymology, was unable to tell his host the meaning of Magna Carta. I can only exclaim, as an Italian might, "Vergogna!" ["Shame!"]

So now we all know what an Eton education does for you .....


  1. I saw the highlights of The Shaming of Cameron but I have not found anyone who knows the composer of Rule Britannia so I can forgive him that error maybe a visit to wiki is in order. :)

  2. I watched that interview and was kind of surprised by the questions David Letterman asked. It's a humorous show and that wasn't what I would have expected. I wondered if he was trying to embarrass the Prime Minister? A lot of the conversation was lighthearted... and he asked about the Olympics, etc.

  3. The Quality and Integrity of Politicians per se and such people as David Cameron do not have to know anything worthwhile about British History

    After all hes in it for the money and Power and to usher in 'progressivism' whether the British people like it or not

  4. Hi sweety.
    I was watching Anthony Bourdain last night and he was in Rome and I wished I could be there to.Last week he was in Emila Romagna but this episode showed none of the scenery.I was so upset I just drank over it.
    Lots of love to you XoXoxo

  5. Yes an old member of the Bullingdon Club , heres another Bullingdon Boy.

    ''Andrew Gimson, biographer of Boris Johnson, reported about the club in the 1980s: "I don't think an evening would have ended without a restaurant being trashed and being paid for in full, very often in cash. [...] A night in the cells would be regarded as being par for a Buller man and so would debagging anyone who really attracted the irritation of the Buller men''
    (from wikipedia if we can entirely believe that)

    Regarding my contemplation of a Blog. Looks like the name that wish to sue , already taken up on Wordpress and Blogger

    Best Wishes.

  6. Hi, Betty. Yes, he did and I'll say for Cameron that he didn't take himself too seriously. Hi, NH. I suppose most politicians are in it for power and money. We can only hope they do a little good along the way. Hi, Bev. I wish I could have seen those episodes. xx Thanks for the info, NH. I'm afraid I'm a bit puzzled by your last sentence therer.

  7. Quite - bet Boris laughed!
