
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Bakewell Tart, Chicken Marengo, Chocolate Chip Cookies..... Many are the great recipes invented by accident and, as every cook knows, sometimes the substitution of an ingredient with what he or she has to hand makes the dish turn out even better, despite the momentary panic that the situation may have caused.

Thus it was on Sunday evening when I decided to make the cold stuffed peppers again [or you can eat them hot, if you prefer] and found I had no milk to soak the breadcrumbs in.  I don't keep milk in the house, you see, as I don't drink it and am allergic to it [except for a little as an ingredient].  What else did I have?  Wine, water, passata? The important thing when you lack an ingredient, I've discovered, is not to lose your nerve so I looked around, then hit on the obvious solution, given where I live:  I soaked the pane grattugiato in the juice of a lovely, Sicilian lemon and the dish turned out so much better that I am resolved to do this every time!


  1. Sounds good, my husband is a great one for experimenting in the kitchen, with cooking that is!

  2. Now you have made my mouth water :-)

  3. Wow! You are mastering the art of "accommodating", a wonderful art practiced in your part of the world for millenia.

  4. Cold stuffed peppers are never an afterthought.

  5. Ah, we are just back from Younger Son's wedding in Piemonte and the memory of the 10 course feast followed by the 4 course supper still remains.

  6. Made me smile, LindyLouMac, imagining what else he might get up to in there! Sorry, Cherie.... Hi, Rosaria. I try! Exactly, James. Hi, Liz. It must have been wonderful!

  7. Yes, I I often improvise somewhat in my cooking

    On another topic but in the same vein to Blog or Not To Blog....

  8. Hi, "Nothing here". Oh, I would say "to blog", definitely!

  9. 11.51

    Yes I am inclined in that direction.

    I have been, with that eventuality in mind, setting out page layouts, and content.

    It would be minimal at best but enough for the purposes of reflection and further thought and research if one is so inclined

    Way back I always wanted to have my own diary style magazine or such like

  10. Hi, NH. I would encourage you to do it. You can do as much or as little as you like, publish when you like and go at your own pace. I think it's great fun playing with the various layouts, too. And I'm sure you have lots of interesting things to say!
