
Friday, August 31, 2012



  1. Yes it is that time of year again :)

  2. Hi, LindyLouMac. Yes, they are abundant here.

  3. The local shops by me sell grapes annoyingly labelled "sultana". I was about to go in and point out that sultanas are in fact dried grapes when I googled the matter and found out they were in fact correct. The tiny seedless grapes that I particularly like are known as "sultana grapes".

    I'd really like to taste champagne grapes... I wonder if there's anything special about them..?

    Doesn't "uva" mean "eggs"..? Oh no it doesn't because I just googled it. How very peculiar.

  4. PS I don't know about you, but don't you find real champagne disappointingly dry? It looks really nice in the glass but is far too sour in reality. Well for my unsophisticated taste it definitely is.

    Then again I like beef and lamb cooked right through and not blood-drenched in the middle like the current fashion... so what do I know about anything..??

  5. Those look like moscato? sweet!

  6. Hi, Gleds. Well, to add to the confusion I can tell you that sultanas here are known as "uva sultanina". "Uova" means eggs. Yes, I do usually find champagne too dry. The only time I didn't was when a friend once offered me Krugg! I didn't notice what type they were, Patricia. Just the price!
