
Thursday, June 07, 2012


Hats off to the person who had the idea of planting a herb garden all around Modica's new shopping centre, La Fortezza:

The herbs are planted in neat, clearly labelled rows 

and this week we learned that there may be more to the herb below right than meets the eye:

Oregano, say researchers in the US, has properties which can combat prostrate cancer.  The herb is used a lot in cookery here and this is how we buy it in its dried form.  [It is the only culinary herb I know of which is better dried than fresh.]

So maybe that's why cleaning lady Rosa's 90-year-old male clients still have the energy to chase her around the kitchen!


  1. What a great idea! All those herbs must smell so good.

  2. Yes, tomatoes too - definitely, Rosaria. Hi, Dragonstar. I think it's a pity more people don't stop to smell them but maybe they will with time.

  3. Are they free for all to pick?

  4. Herbs have a wonder of their own. The aroma filling the air as they are bruised by fingers or brushed inadvertently by the hem of a skirt swooshing past.

  5. Good question, WW - I don't think so!

  6. And you brought me some beautiful oregano when we met, pat!

  7. Hi, Liz. Gosh, that was nearly five years ago! Tempus fugit.

  8. I would luuuuurve to have a herb garden in pots... or even in windowboxes... Unfortunately it is not to be at the moment; I don't even have access to my outside window-sills thanks to nonopening windows... (Grrrr!)... But one day... I promise myself I will be growing herbs. As well as learning to cook properly. Instead of having about 5 dishes I can do to my own satisfaction and then... nothing ;-(

  9. Hi, Gleds. And I'm sure you will do it because you are a very determined young man. x
