
Wednesday, June 20, 2012


For me, as for many women, high summer brings its own battles, among them the battle of depilation, the battle of non-tanning legs and, fashion being what it is, the battle of the bra strap.

Every woman knows that strapless bras don't push you up and out properly and, unless you are shaped like a stick insect or can afford designer clothes with the underwear stitched in, the escaping bra strap can be the bane of your summer life - if you like to be well-groomed, that is.  Last week I was amazed to see, during a BBC World report on marriage in Britain, an adult bridesmaid revealing white bra straps under the black straps of her dress.  Come on, lady, if you are going to let the straps show, you could at least get them in the same colour as your garment!

Anyway, this year the Italians have come to the rescue and, as I've often said, forget the Fiat, the Bialetti coffee maker and the Vespa - Italy should be famed for its bra design!  Those clever folk at the Intimissimi, I've discovered, will take the existing straps off one of their bras for you and sew on a pair of slots on each side so that you can replace the old straps with a pair of their transparent ones:

Women of the world, bras off to the Intimissimi!


  1. Now, this is news worth sharing.

  2. These transparent straps may seem like a good idea Pat, but I tell you from experience, not comfortable in this sort of heat. :)

  3. I'll be the title of this post attracts more than one googler.

  4. Yes LindylouMac is right, not comfortable in the heat ..but we have them here too.

  5. Seems a fine idea. I suppose it all depends on how much of you your dress shows!

  6. There's a bra on the early morning informercials that has all the properties of a wonderbra yet without straps... and it looks like a sports bra. Can't remember for the life of me what it's called though ...

  7. I thought so too, Rosaria. Hi, LindyLouMac. I can put up with a little discomfort as long as everything's where it should be! Hi, Nick. we'll see.... Hi, Anne. Yes, I know and I've bought bras with transparent straps in the UK. What impressed me here was that they will alter one of their bras so that you can put the straps on. Takes a fair bit of tailoring to do it neatly. Hi, Dragonstar. They wear them low here! Hi, Gleds. I'll look for it.
