
Tuesday, May 08, 2012


No, it's not a cake for corgis or a novelty for Simi! I've been practising for the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, you see. I'm not a monarchist but I am enough of a hypocrite to become one for a day or two, in order to join in the festivities from afar. Therefore I'd been wondering what to make to take along to a friend's Jubilee party here and, as I also wanted to try out the torta paradiso recipe in the Benvenuti a tavola book, this seemed an ideal opportunity.  

But how to decorate it?  I decided that using the red [OK, it's pink but it will do] and blue icing sugar we can get here would be the simplest option and then I began searching the internet for line drawings to use as a stencil.  I rejected crowns, silhouettes of royal personnages, Buckingham Palace shapes and the like because they would have involved complicated cutting with a craft knife on a cutting mat [neither of which I possess].  Finally I found a simple line drawing of a corgi, Her Majesty's favourite pet dog breed, and that, I decided, would be cheerful and different.  Here is the result and, by the way, the torta paradiso did rise but I turned it upside down to decorate it, thinking I could deftly turn the slices over again to serve them. It tasted, as its name suggests, heavenly!


  1. Very nice Welshcakes. I'm no royalist either but a United Republic of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is not high on my list of priorities (somewhere below learning Maltese). Actually I have a lot of respect for the Queen

  2. Great looking cake! Like Jams, (except for the French in Quebec), in Canada, we have a lot of respect for the Queen. We like to be part of the British Commonwealth. We don't care much about politics and the rest of the Royals. The Heir is coming to visit for the Jubilee. What a bore...
    Wish I had been at your party!

  3. Hi, jams. I can imagine your thoughts on it all! Hi, Claude and thank you. We haven't had the party yet - this was just a rehearsal!
