
Tuesday, April 03, 2012


Oyster mushrooms are plentiful and cheap in Sicily at the moment so I decided to use some in a simple lasagne:

1 medium white onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, chopped
2 tablesp olive oil plus a little extra to oil lasagne dish
250 gr oyster mushrooms, trimmed of stalks
Handful of chopped parsley and another of chopped basil
seasalt and freshly ground black pepper
400 ml béchamel sauce [bought in cartons in Italy]
c. 250 gr oven-ready lasagne all'uova sheets
12 large, thin slices cooked ham
3 - 4 tablsp grated ragusano, grana or parmesan cheese
Unsalted butter for dotting over top of lasagne

Heat the 2 tablesp olive oil in a wide pan and soften the onion and garlic without browning.  An Italian would probably remove the garlic at this point but I like mine so it stays! Add the mushrooms [halved lengthwise if very large], herbs and seasoning to taste, stir and cook to soften the mushrooms.  Set aside.  Now heat the béchamel gently in a milk pan without letting it boil. Next, oil the bottom of your chosen lasagne dish very lightly and smear a little béchamel over it. Lay enough lasagne sheets to cover and then spread over a layer of more béchamel, a layer of mushroom mixture, a layer of ham and a layer of grated cheese.  Now repeat the process - you will probably get three layers altogether - and finish with a layer of pasta.  Spread béchamel over this and sprinkle over more grated cheese. Now place dots of butter all over the top of the dish and bake in an oven heated to 160 C for about 20 minutes.  It should be nice and crispy on the top.

I'll let you see the creamy layers:

Buon appetito!


  1. Look at that incredible Baroque architecture. Reminds me of Ragusa Ibla. It's a pity I didn't go to Modica, just didn't have the time. I love Noto, I love Sicilian Baroque.

  2. Hi, Anne. I love Ragusa Ibla too. You'll have to come to Modica next time!
