
Thursday, April 19, 2012


When I first arrived here, only one or two supermarkets issued loyalty cards but in the past few months Italy has gone loyalty-card-mad:

I have had some nice "gifts" using my supermarket points - sets of plates and saucepans, a cake knife that plays "Jingle Bells", a quilt, even a vacuum cleaner - but I can't keep up with all the new cards. I'm going to have to buy a bigger purse, not to keep my ever-dwindling cash in, but to find room for the cards - unless I take to keeping some up my sleeve!

Update:  One of the comments has prompted me to point out that "purse", in British English, is a wallet [for women] or small coin purse, not a handbag.


  1. These days I dont really use loyalty cards, i went right off Nectar when it replaced Airmiles,

  2. If it involves buying a new purse it's always a good thing !!

  3. Hi, Jenny. I only really use the supermarket one and the pet shop one but the others have been pressed upon me! Hi, Pink. Ah, here we have a language problem: "purse" in British English, is a small coin purse.

  4. It's like that in the U.S. too- it makes my wallet very thick!

  5. Bloody hell, it took them long enough to pick up on that trend, didn't it!

    Personally I never bother with those loyalty cards. I hate the feeling of being bribed with extra points... points that knowing me would never get cashed in anyhow!

  6. Hi, Portlandier. How nice to hear from you again. Do you get gifts or discounts with them over there? Hi, Gleds. Yes, a long time!

  7. What a delightful post! We ended up having to purchase one of those multiple sleeve wallets where you can stick your cards in, and it's already full! Esselunga is my favorite store for accumulating points, with a great variety of low and high-end gifts to choose from. I especially love to peruse the weekly locandine for the bonus points items...picked up a Tre Marie colomba at Bennet and scored a hefty 100 extra points as well!

  8. I have the various cards but they are such a pain, I would rather just have cheaper prices!

  9. Thanks, Rowena. We haven't got an Esselunga here. Hi, LindyLouMac. Oh, I quite like getting the presies, though of course I know they are not "giving" me anything at all.

  10. When the loyalty cards are given out here in the US they also include a small one that will fit on a keychain. I use mine that way as it is less to carry in my wallet. :)

  11. Hi, Pat. That does sound a good idea,
