
Sunday, April 01, 2012


This was one of my most popular posts of 2010 and, indeed, ever.  I am publishing it again on this Palm Sunday.

She has been there all week, the palm lady, sitting at the side of the road, deftly weaving fronds into objects of beauty.  She sets up her stall long before the morning rush hour begins, and she is still there as everyone hurries home for lunch.  She carries on braiding and plaiting, adorning her  finished palms with ribbons of all colours, through the silent siesta hours and as the shutters go up again for the evening reopening.  As darkness defeats her, she stops, but she is there again the following morning, bright and early.  On Sunday she continues her dexterous craft and only when the bells for the last Mass of this Palm Sunday morning have sounded does she pack up her wares for another year.  I hope she is having a rest.


  1. Truly artistic presentation. The braiding requires much dexterity. I hope the lady is nicely rewarded for her work. Happy week to you and Simone. Amitié!

  2. These are lovely. I hope she takes a rest as well. Thank you for sharing.

  3. And I thank you for putting it up again but that explains WHERE I saw them in the first place. It was on your blog! Let me explain...a couple of weeks ago we were shopping at the weekly market at Legnano (MI) and one of the flower vendors had a basket of these on offer (although without the colorful ribbons). I had a feeling that I had seen them before and my husband asked what were they. Well the vendor looked at us as if we were ignorant northerners...and simply stated that they were palm leaves, turning her back to us. When we asked what were they used for, she didn't even bother to turn around and said they were for Pasqua. Honestly, if she had just put a little more personality into her interaction with us I would have gladly bought some, but I am so glad to see them here!

  4. So much prettier than the UK Palm Crosses.

  5. Hi, Claude. Yes, I'm always fascinated watching her work. People do appreciate her craft, I think. Hi, Wren. Let's hope she is. Hi, Rowena. I know Legnano quite well though I haven't been there for some years. I'm sorry this particular palm lady was so rude to you but flattered that you remembered seeing these on my blog! Grazie, WW. Hi, LindyLouMac. Well, each have their own beauty.

  6. These are STUNNING! THank you for sharing the most beautiful palms I've ever seen!!

  7. Jenny and Constance: I'll tell the lady how much you both like her work when I next see her.
