
Thursday, February 02, 2012


In September I told you all about a thief who, in order to steal a bicycle, patiently felled the tree to which it had been tied.  Now his efforts have been topped by a group of thieves in the Ragusan countryside, reports the Corriere di Ragusa: these thieves have been chopping down telephone poles in order to steal copper telephone cable and 2 kilometres of cable have disappeared recently, causing disruption to lines as well as economic loss   to Telecom Italia.  Fifteen instances of cable theft have been reported in the area since the beginning of January and last year over 15 kilometres of cable were stolen.

One would think that such thoroughness would be welcomed in certain legitimate jobs.


  1. Rather extraordinary too that nobody noticed them chopping away, after all it's not something you can do in 2 minutes. Or did they have professional felling equpment? :) the mind boggles!!

  2. Copper theft (and lead from church rooves) is a global phenomenon at the moment. I suppose it just leads to higher insurance rates

  3. What an extraordinary story Pat! What an interesting collection of posts to welcome me back to your blog after my travels. It is snowing here so I am enjoying staying warm and catching up with all my blogging friends.

  4. how ridiculous!

    i'm glad u can visit me without malware now

  5. Hi, Jenny. Nothing would surprise me! Hi, WW. I hadn't realised that. Welcome back, LindyLouMac. Enjoy the snow! Hi, Gleds. It is indeed. I'm glad to be able to visit you again,too.

  6. Hi Pat, here in some villages, they are ripping up phone cables and cut the off for days and days. Not sure how they got away with it.
