
Thursday, February 23, 2012


This is my take on a recipe in the February edition of UK Good Housekeeping magazine.  The use of cumin seeds was what had attracted me to it as I miss using them!  I was going to cook the dish just as it said in the recipe - well, inasmuch as I ever do - but I forgot to get the carrots, you see.  I did have some red and green peppers in the fridge, although I wasn't quite sure these would go well with the orange used but "What the hell?" I thought - nothing ventured, nothing new created.  As this Italianised the dish somewhat, I decided to cook it on top of the stove rather than in the oven, which is the more usual method of cooking here.

You need:

3 tablesp olive oil
3 small red onions, cut into wedges [which will probably fall apart into rings but no matter]
1 red and 2 green elongated peppers, sliced
half tablesp cumin seeds
100 gr dried apricots, chopped
6 boned & skinned chicken thighs, halved by the butcher
juice and rind of 1 large orange
seasalt & black pepper

Heat the olive oil in a wide pan and soften the onion in it.  Add the peppers and soften for about 10 mins.  Add cumin seeds and give everything a good stir.  Now add the chicken and brown on all sides.  Add the apricots and seasoning to taste and stir well. Add the rind and juice of an orange and 150 ml water.  Bring to the boil, stirring, cover  and simmer for about 30 mins.



  1. I may make this tonight - thanks for the idea! Yours is lovely.

  2. It looks so cheerful for a gray winter day. Just in time for my son's visit. Thanks again. You're a lifesaver chef!

  3. Delicious! I say that quite often here!

  4. Mmm that sounds and looks delicious Welshcakes, I'll try that next time I cook chicken...Hope you and Simi are Ok, we've had a bit of a health scare with Chloe but she's fine now, wiil write some thing on my blog later Di, and Chloe says purrr purrr.

  5. Hi, Laura. Glad you like the idea. Hi, Claude. I'm so pleased I got the timing right! and thank you. Thanks, jams. Hi, Trubes. We are so relieved that Chloe is all right! Lots of love from both of us. xx

  6. it certainly looks very colourful x
