
Friday, January 20, 2012


I always get depressed when it's time to take the Christmas decorations down but one advantage of living in Italy is that in February we have the Carnival season to cheer us all up again.

In Termini Imerese [Palermo Province] where the townsfolk claim to have the oldest carnival tradition in Sicily - it dates back to 1876 - this year's promises to be so much fun that it will be "the end of the world":  As usual, eight floats will be in the processions, six of them in competition with each other and two which will be non-competing.  These last are the children's float and the float carrying u nannu e a nanna [grandfather and grandmother], the grandfather being a hale and hearty fellow while the grandmother is a rather gaunt figure in a frilly dress with lots of lace. This float traditionally leads the procession and on Shrove Tuesday the grandparents are burned in the town square - but don't worry, as they are made of papier-mâché!  This burning is believed to ward off evil spirits and symbolises the renewal that is spring.

The floats in the competition will contain allegorical figures and in one there will be a model of Mr Monti, who will be portrayed drinking wine, perhaps in an effort to forget the economy for the duration of the processions.

One thing is certain:  nothing - not even the current economic crisis - is going to stop the Carnival at Termini Imerese!

The Termini Imerese Carnival runs from 12th - 21st February 2012.  There will be music and entertainment throughout the event and the processions will take place on Saturday 18th February, Sunday 19th February and on Shrove Tuesday, 21st February.


  1. I always love taking the Christmas decorations down :-)

  2. Carnivals are a great tradition. Such fun to join in!

  3. that is my mother and father's home town. I wish I could go!

  4. Excuse the late replies, everyone - I thought I'd answered before. Hi, Sally. I wish I did. Hi, dragonstar. Yes, they are. Hi, Lucia. Yes, I remembered you telling me your family was from there. I wish I could go as well but it's too far from here.
