
Sunday, December 18, 2011


Sobrietà, or austerity, has certainly hit the modern Sorda area of Modica where I live:  there are few Christmas lights, many businesses are closing and there is no seasonal atmosphere at all.  Down in the historic centre of Modica Bassa, though, it's a different story and I liked this depiction of the Three Wise Men on their journey:  it is made totally of natural materials and has been set up in the main square, Piazza Matteotti:

 I especially took to this fellow

 and I like the way the palm trees have been decorated, too:

But where were the Modicani this evening?  Were they all admiring the crib?  They were not:  they had rushed en masse to La Fortezza, the city's first big shopping mall.  Judging by the hour-long traffic jam on the road approaching it and the number of people there, Modicans are about to follow the British in adopting shopping as their Sunday hobby.  

La Fortezza has three floors of stores and eateries and a nifty moving floor that you can take your trolley on to get to the top.  This evening there was even entertainment and I must say they serve a good portion of calories-don't-count-'cos-you're-out chips on the second floor.

I have just one plea for the Comune:  how about putting a bus on so that those of us without cars can actually get there?


  1. I hope your house is decorated with a bit more sparkles than I see on your photos. Sad to think that even in Sicily shopping is becoming a major form of entertainment, but then a good shopping mall is nice to have. Can't you take a taxi?

  2. Oh, I thought the lights were tastefully done, myself, Miss F. Taxis are not easy to find in Modica and you have to book them in advance, so you would have to know exactly what time you were coming back. Anyway, that would make it a prohibitively expensive journey that would negate any money saved on the prices there. Public transport is a fundamental need!

  3. I think it is sad that the shops are starting to pen on Sundays here!
    Have a good Christmas and New Year I look forward to following you in 2012.

  4. Probably inevitable, though, LindyLouMac. You have a great festive season, too. xx
