
Tuesday, October 18, 2011


I was delighted when my twitter friend Hedvika told me that her husband, Tony Guastella, would be in Modica today and that he would find time to have a coffee and chat with me.  Hedvika and Tony run the My Destination Sicily  online travel guide where you can not only find out all kinds of information about Sicily but also book hotels, search for flights and get help with all your travel needs for a visit to the island.  Hedvika and Tony can show you how to get the most out of your stay, too.

Sicily is literally in Tony's blood as his father is from Torretta in Palermo Province and the couple's enthusiasm for this lovely destination shines through on their site just like the Sicilian sun.  They also have some beautiful photos of Sicily on display so do take a look.

It was great to meet you, Tony and next time you come to Modica I hope you'll bring Hedvika.

Tony and me this morning


  1. How nice to meet internet friends. And the website looks extremely useful and very well organised - wish it had existed last time I went to Sicily!

  2. Yes, I always enjoy meeting people I've got to know through the blog or twitter, Jenny. Yes, I think it's an excellent site. When did you last come to Sicily?

  3. Sicilian sunshine. How wonderful. I woke up this morning and found only grey outside. I'm not looking forward to walking Tala...When I was in Calabria, I was up at sunrise and out the door, the weather was so welcoming and it was easy to go out. Here, I have to bundle up or I'll be soon sorry. I could really do with a bit of that wonderful warmth that comes not only from the sun but from the people itself.

  4. Blogging friends become such a real connection and to meet up must have been such a treat. :)

  5. Your hair looks beautiful, WL

  6. Hi, Bev. Yes, we usually get wonderful sunshine in October but this year has been duller - by Sicilian standards. I'm afraid nothing could get me up at sunrise, though. Hi, Cuby. Yes, it was very nice. Very nice of you to say so, WW.

  7. i was in sicily 2 years ago and will come again to that lovly place,

  8. Welcome, Yuliya. I'm so glad you liked Sicily.

  9. If they all look like Tony, I'll be on the next flight over...smiles
