
Thursday, October 06, 2011


Painting:  Gino

A chance encounter with some Canadian tourists this morning reminded me how far I've come, in all sorts of ways.

Spotting the group as I was out with Simi, I would have guessed that they were not what the British still call "continentals" even if they had not been carrying cameras, speaking English and had not been paler than most of the folk we encounter on our daily walks.  They were not carrying umbrellas or plastic macs so that ruled out British origin but they were dressed in shorts, sandals and sleeveless tops and that, at this time of year, betrayed them.

Nineteen years ago when I first came to Modica I, too, wore summer clothing in October, dressing, as I did then, for the weather rather than the season.  Now, however, I do the opposite, as Italian women do, so today I was in autumn garb despite the fact that it is still hotter here than it would be on many a summer day in Britain.

I've come a long way, baby!


  1. Oh yes, we do bring our weather expectations with us. Here, if people have umbrellas when it rains, we know they are not from Oregon. We take the rain with naked heads but waterproof clothing.

  2. It's so funny the way that you can tell foreign people apart. I find I can usually tell Italians because they dress so beautifully and are elegant, and talk all the time. French are elegant and don't talk all the time. And so on.
    If it is hot, and you're dressed for autumn, though, isn't it uncomfortable? Or is it worth doing it, just to fit in? :)

  3. Here in Toronto, ON Canada, it's 25 degrees you betcha I'm wearing shorts and t-shirt tomorrow! Love what we call Indian Summer in the Autumn! And I do remember being in Sicily in September when people no longer ventured to the beach and it was so hot...I still wanted to swim but none of my cousins would swim with me.

  4. And very smart you look, welshcakes!

  5. Hi, Rosaria. You have made me smile imagining you all bareheaded in the rain! Hi, Jenny and welcome. Love your avatar. I think I've reached the stage where I do it to fit in but it's not really uncomfortable as I think my idea of what constitutes "hot" has changed as well. Hi, Lucia. I can just imagine, that, too! Enjoy your Indian summer. Very kind of you to say so, Liz.

  6. I realized fairly quickly that the Italian women dress for the season and not the weather, but I still haven't been able to bring myself to wear boots when it's blazing hot outside. Everyone here knows I'm one of those Americans so they probably expect me to go out dressed for summer in October. At least I don't go out poorly dressed, nor am I obese as they think most Americans are.

  7. You look like a very glamorous film star of a recently bygone era.

    Note my use of the word "recently"!

  8. Hi, Bev. I, too, draw the line at boots in the heat! Thanks, Gleds. Yes, that was a very diplomatic use of "recently"!
