
Tuesday, September 20, 2011


Don't put your daughter - or anyone else, for that matter - on the stage in Tràpani:  this seems to be the moral of what happened in the city's main square on Friday when, during a concert to celebrate this year's "Extreme Sailing" event, Lello Anafino, lead singer of the Sicilian group Tinturia, jumped a little on stage and fell into an enormous hole. Lello Anafino was not violently breaking guitars on stage, nor is he particularly heavy and the stage was not overcrowded so no one is sure exactly why it crumbled beneath his feet.  However, I can tell you that whoever constructed the stage is not popular with Lello's fans!

Lello says he still has neck pain and has to lie flat but he hopes to be back among his fans soon and in better shape than ever - stages permitting.

Tinturia - Lello's Fall

Richard Conrad - Mrs Worthington


  1. I thought for sure the floor was going to break when he went up on that thing and jumped off, but he was fine then. It was just a few tiny jumps on the floor that did it! They definitely need a new stage.

  2. It's someone's idea of making singing an "extreme sport".

  3. Hi, Betty. Yes, I was expecting it to happen then, too. Hi, Bev. I hadn't thought of that!

  4. Yikes he was lucky it wasn't worse Welshcakes

  5. My daughter, as a singer/dancer with a famous international traveling show, was injured as a beam fell on her. For years, she suffered headaches. These falls are usually the result of someone not using professionals when they construct/inspect a stage or the many elements that make a show look so good to the audience.

    It can happen anywhere.

  6. In America he would sue the person who built the stage and and get a lot of money! Glad he wasn't seriously injured.

  7. Sicily seems to be a dangerous scene for singers this year

  8. Not so popular with Lello either, I should have thought.

  9. Hi, jams. Yes, he was. Hi, Rosaria. I think that's what heppened here, too. I hope your daughter is fully recovered now. Hi, Pat. I suppose that could happen but at the moment Lello is being remarkably calm about it and keeping his sense of humour. Hi, WW. Yes, two unfortunate incidents recently. You are right, James.

  10. My 16 year old grandaughter Hannah, sang and played guitar for my last two art openings.I hope she never encounters a faulty stage.

  11. Hi, Kathleen. I hope she never does as well!
