
Sunday, September 18, 2011


I am not, as many of you know, a religious person so you may think it hypocritical of me to pray when I need help.  But I'm sure we all pray, in our way, to something or someone and, as I have some troubles at the moment, I have found myself calling out to God, infinity or whatever it is that is greater than all of us.

Then it occurred to me that maybe I should change my prayer, so, in between bouts of tears, I have been asking, not for help with my problem but for the strength to be able to deal with it.


  1. Finding ones own strength, accepting ones own weaknesses, so important in finding peace in your life. I too am not particularly religious, I am spiritual though. I believe in something which is greater than any of us, some force, some power. What it is I do not know.

    What I do know is that you have immense strength of character, courage and fortitude.

    Sometimes our worries have no easy answers, no quick fix options. Believe in yourself, trust in the advice of friends, and you will succeed.

  2. I am sorry you are having troubles.

    I think praying for strength will help you to remain strong enough to cope with your problems xx

  3. PS: I forgot to say that is a lovely photograph of you :-)

  4. Avec tout mon coeur, I'm joining my prayers to yours. May God sustain and inspire you, dear Friend.

  5. May you find the strength you need, so sorry to hear you are having a difficult time. Take Care Pat x

  6. So sorry to hear that, take good care, dear Pat.

  7. Not a hypocrite...just a person with hope! We try to be strong and self-sufficient, but even the strongest of us can get overwhelmed when life is "in session!" As long as there is no proof otherwise, I tend to fall on the side of hope! Somehow these difficult times pass and become memories and I try to remind myself, "you will be happy again!" And you will...

  8. Thank you, Jan. You are very kind and you give me hope. Thanks, Cherie. You have cheered me up about the photo! Et avec tout mon coeur, je t'en remercie, chère Claude. Thank you so much, LindyLouMac and Josep. Thanks, Patricia. I will heed your words and keep telling myself that.

  9. Allow me to take the following out of its original context (Quel Giorno / That Day), dear Lady Limoncello.

    come d'incanto,
    i molto problemi;
    come assorbiti,
    i tanti echi;
    come gioielli,
    i giorni a venire.

    As if by magic
    my worries ceased;
    as if swallowed,
    echoes fell silent;
    and the days to come
    shone like diamonds ...

    The peace of the night.

  10. you are included in my prayers!

  11. I hope you do find the strength! Asking for assistance from a higher power can't possibly hurt, can it? Praying is just opening up to any new possibility.

  12. Sorry to hear you're having problems WL

  13. When life is hard it is often necessary to find inner strength to get through maybe from within yourself or some external force religious, spiritual or otherwise. I will think of you.

  14. That's precisely what to ask for and if it's genuine asked, it always comes.

  15. Thank you, dear Sean, for reminding me of this Lonardo poem. I will tell him that you did. It has helped me no end. Thanlk you, Lucia. I agree, Rosaria and thank you. Thank you both so much, WW and Cuby. I do hope so, James and thank you.

  16. I pray for strength for you too, pat.

  17. I am thinking of you too and hope your prayers will be answered. x

  18. Thank you so much, Ellee. x

  19. I am so sorry you are having troubles, Pat. I will say a prayer fo you and send positive htoughts your way. {{ Hugs}}}

  20. life can sometimes seem full of problems and worry's... sending hugs x x x x

  21. Thank you, Pat and Sally. Much appreciated and hugs. xx
