
Sunday, July 31, 2011


Italian politicians, often deservedly, receive a bad press but today several other world leaders could do worse than follow the example of President Giorgio Napolitano who, besides having cut back on expenditure at the Quirinale and being thus in a position to pay €15 million back into the Italian Treasury, has also declined, from now until the end of his term,  the automatic index-linked rise in salary to which he is entitled.

The President would normally be on holiday on Stromboli at this time of year but has postponed his departure until at least Tuesday in order to be able to monitor the turbulent domestic and international political situation from Rome.

Let's hear it for the President! 


  1. Sounds like he is a better advertisement for Italian politics than a couple of Legia Nord MEPs I could name

  2. Wow! ...I mean, WOW! That is mind boggling. I wish US politicians would follow suit.

  3. Yes, indeed he is, jams. Hi, Bev. I think the President always behaves impeccably.

  4. Yes, Bev's right! He is a great example to the world!!!
    Hugs to you and Simone~~

  5. He sounds very honorable! Let us hope that more politicans everywhere will follow his example.

  6. If only they would ALL follow suit!

  7. Nice to hear something good about a politician for a change!

  8. Sounds an incredible man!

  9. Hi, Constance. Hugs to you, too. xx Hi, Pat and Sarettta. I hope they do, too. It is, Liz. Hi, Dragonstar. He's a very correct man with a lot of madness around him!

  10. So what's Burlusconi if not the president? Is Burlusconi Prime Minister? Or nothing? I've not kept up with the news too closely...

    I'd love to be President of the UK as long as it could be a lifelong post with Buckingham Palace and Windosr Castle thrown in. + I think I'd look really good in Norman Hartnell skirts with white gloves thrown in... o deary me that's the QUEEEN I'm mixing myself up with here!!

    I hope Simi is OK and no worms. I found my neighbour's dog some Morrisons' lambs' liver but she wouldn't eat it bc it was past its sell-by!

  11. ps 我真高兴中文!(I'm learning Chinese.) It's my goal to speak Chinese as well as Japanese. And Cantonese ~ so I can speak to staff at the takeaway!!

    Do you have any Chinese takeaways down Sicily way? If not, what kind of takeaway does one eat down your way?? And have you ever seen an English

  12. Hi, Gleds. Those are good reasons for learning Chinese! We have Chinese restaurants but not takeaways. Takeaway food comes in the form of focacce and arancini. An english what?
