Thursday, June 09, 2011



Saretta said...

Oh my, you treat yourself right! :-)

Angus Dei said...

I'm drooling again.....

LindyLouMac said...

Naughty but nice :)

Weekend Yachtsman said...

Every day another delicious ice cream or pile of cakes!

Do you actually eat these lovely things you photograph?

If so, how do you stay so slim?

Rosaria Williams said...

I'm not sure which flavors I'd choose if I were there. Enjoy.

Trubes said...

Oh to be in Sicily now eating delicious ice cream, instead of this cold and windy island.
You lucky lucky lady Welshcakes...We've got to wait until September until we go to Juan le Pins in S.France.


jams o donnell said...

Yep. I'll have it again for Twelvses, Onses and so on!

Liz Hinds said...

I'm really going off you, welshcakes!!!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

You've given me an idea, Nerys.... My motto is "I deserve it", Saretta. Hi, Angus.... Just so, LindyLouMac. Hello, WY. Yes, I do! I'm not particularly slim, though. Hi, Rosaria. There are so many flavours to choose from here! Hi, Trubes. How fab to be going to Juan Les Pins! Here, here, jams. Sorry, Liz!

CherryPie said...

Like Liz it is something I am not allowed either... It looks tasty though.

James Higham said...

Absolute necessity, elevenses and yours looks wonderful.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

What a shame, Cherie. Yes, my favourite kind of elevenses, James.

Gledwood said...

That ice cream reminds me of the artificial cream that used to be so prevelant in the 1970s andfirst part of the 80s. I used to hate real cream when I was little, I found it sour. I didn't realize you could put sugar in it, which is what I did when I was older.

To be honest I'd eat ice cream like that for breakfast, if only I had it in the house (ie Ihadn't gobbled it up in the night...)


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