
Friday, May 27, 2011


The unveiling of a new statue of the Blessed Pope John Paul 11 outside Rome's Termini Station was a much heralded event which the citizens of the capital were looking forward to last week:  the likeness of the "people's Pope" would stand where millions of commuters and visitors could see it every day, near a station which had previously been dedicated to him.  The trouble is that the statue is not a likeness and nobody likes it!

The late Pope is depicted with his cloak open in what is supposed to represent a gesture of welcome but which, according to the Vatican's own newspaper, L'Osservatore Romano, resembles an "open tent" or, at best, " a bell".   In the opinion of many others, it resembles nothing so much as a "bloody great hole".  What is more, the statue's critics also say that the face is unrecognisable as that of the Blessed John Paul 11 and red-faced Vatican officials have had to admit that the finished work is somewhat different from the draft they were shown by sculptor Oliviero Rainaldi.

Romans have been voting in a referendum about the statue and yesterday a commission of art experts began meeting to pass judgement upon it.  The Mayor of Rome, Gianni Alemanno, has promised to abide by the decision of the people.

Personally, I think Modica's memorial to this most beloved of Popes is much nicer:

What do you think?


  1. The first one is too stylistic, the hole a bit too enigmatic. Yes, I prefer the second one too.

  2. I stand with you, in Modica! There is nothing warm and inviting about the Roman sculpture.

  3. looks like an unfinished loo to me Welshcakes.

  4. Lol, it doesn't look like the late Pope at all! It's like Truman Capote at the Chocolate Factory!

  5. Oh... I can see why people are disappointed. It looks weird to have it all hollow like that.

  6. Very well put, Rosaria. Modica will be honoured, Patricia. I agree, Angus! Love your description, Josep! Hi, Rachel. Yes, very disappointing indeed.

  7. Yes I think think the second statue is far nicer :-)

  8. It is awful. If that was outside a railway station in Britain the late night drunks would already be using it for unmentionable purposes. It would be a terribly easy mistake to make.

  9. Hi, Woman on a Raft. You are right!
