
Tuesday, May 03, 2011


Staying with ecclesiastical news tonight, if the devil wears Prada, God, it seems, wears Armani or at least, his representative in Mazara del Vallo [Trapani Province] does.  Monsignor Domenico Mogavero caused a bit of a sensation on Sunday when he blessed the new churchyard on Pantelleria Island dressed in red, purple, green and white vestments designed by Giorgio Armani.  Emblems of land and sea, representing the island, were also depicted on the garments.

They sound very fine garments to me and I do think the Bishop's critics are being a little harsh:  most of us feel better in a set of new clothing and it's not as if the good Monsignore had spent any money on these, as they were a gift from Giorgio Armani himself.  The designer has a home on Pantelleria and has spent his holidays there for the past 37 years.  In 2006 he was made an honorary citizen of Pantelleria.

The Bishop felt that he was honouring both the new churchyard and Giorgio Armani by wearing the new vestments and good luck to him, say I.


  1. If they were a gift then I really don't understand why people objected. If he paid a bundle of parishioner's money that would be a different case.

  2. My goodness, if Giorgio Armani gifted me with clothing, I would probably never take it off! Of course, it would take massive bolts of cloth to find something to wrap around my frame!!!

  3. It sounds nice, I think I will also ask God for an Armani for free.

  4. I agree, Betty. Nor would I, Carmen but I hope they would not be bishop's robes! Good idea, Josep.

  5. Oh, I missed this news! Huh, good for him! I love Armani style, I'd love to get something for free too ;)

  6. And is his hat also Armani?

  7. Good for him I say, I think most of would love a gift of clothes from Armani.

  8. Kia and LindyLouMac, I agree - good for him! Looks more Philip Treacy to me, WW!
