
Monday, May 30, 2011


Long ago, when I was a young and idealistic teacher, I unwittingly "inspired" an Italian friend to enter the teaching profession.  "And you continue to speak to me?!" I exclaim whenever she reminds me of this and I marvel even more at the fact that, thirty years later, she remains remarkably unscathed by her experiences at the chalk face.

Sadly, the same cannot be said of a primary school teacher from Palermo who tonight finds herself accused of "abuse of the means of correction" for reprimanding a pupil who had forged the signature of one of his parents on a note he took to school.  The teacher calmly explained to him that it is wrong to forge a signature and that adults who do so can be charged with a crime.  So traumatised was the child by this telling-off that his parents' lawyer is considering suing the hapless teacher for damages of €34,000. 

I don't think Doris had this kind of trouble, do you?


  1. Sounds more like a California school situation.,everybody is sue happy.

  2. No, Doris would never have done anything to make a child happy. she would have burst into song about, "Que sera, sera" or something like that.

  3. Yeah, that sort of stuff occurs here in the States. I see it has been exported.

    Soon, teachers will be carrying special insurance and be accompanied by company lawyers to check every utterance.

  4. Oh my goodness! Those parents should be reiterating exactly what the teacher told the student! How old is the student, anyway? Probably old enough to know better, since he/she didn't ask for a parent's signature! How else will a child learn what is right and wrong if the parents sue for every little thing - that kid is going to think he/she can do whatever he/she wants and Mommy & Daddy will fix it all...not impressed with the parents and if the court system allows the suit to go through, I'm not impressed with it, either!

  5. This situation disgusts me!

  6. Hi, Pink. Yes, sadly this tendency is spreading. Hi, Carmen. She probably would have! Hi, Rosaria. I fear you are right. Hi, Leslie. I agree. I don't know how old the child is. Me too, LindyLouMac!

  7. I am backing the TEACHER .. it is their job .. you hand over your child to the teacher for the day .. It is their rules .. and by all accounts teaching the child right from wrong .. isn't that what they are there for.

  8. Couldn't agree more, Anne.
