Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Spotted in a shop window yesterday:  these underpants with their very Sicilian fico d'India or prickly pear motif.  Fico also means "cool".  I'll leave the "prickly" jokes to all of you.


Whispering Walls said...

I'm sure Silvio has them

Dragonstar said...

Brilliant! That must be the funniest I've seen! I wonder if anyone would wear them.

LindyLouMac said...

What a laugh :)

Rosaria Williams said...

Too Too!
Creative and bold!
Glad you share these little cultural gems.

Lucia said...

Bold!!!! Funny and Bold.

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

I don't doubt it, WW! Hi, Nerys. Yes, it cheers me up. Hi, Dragonstar. I think WW may have the answer! It brightened my day, LindyLouMac. Hi, Rosaria. I'm always on the look-out! Glad you like them, Lucia.

Liz Hinds said...

Oooh, no, I don't think so!!

Gledwood said...

Oh how vulgar! Did Simi give them a good sniff??

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Not for hubby, then, Liz?

CherryPie said...

Do guys really wear those???

Gledwood said...

i've got a pet cactus by the way. the SWINES in the florists IMPALED him with FAKE SCARLET FLOWERS ON TOOTHPICKS so the poor thing is in cactus hospital recovering from 16 extractions. and i thought it was bad when my dentist gave me ONE. you could park a truck where that missing tooth had been!

RNSANE said...

I love them! The only way I see fun underwear anymore is in store windows!

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thanks, Gleds. Not yet! Thanks for the cactus tale. Hi, Cherie. Italian guys do! Me, too, Carmen - me, too.


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