
Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well, now, this is very strange:  according to an article in today's online Corriere di Ragusa, a tomb erected in Modica's cemetery at the end of the nineteenth or beginning of the twentieth century bears a symbol which is remarkably similar to the golden snitch  in the Harry Potter novels.  Local children, apparently, are sure that the carving is of the famous snitch.

The tomb, sadly, has not been cared for over several decades but what is very curious is that no name or date was ever inscribed upon it.  The journalist informs us that a woman is buried there and that she had a surname which is common in these parts but he does not tell us what it was.

I am not an expert on Harry Potter myself and I cannot copy the picture of the tomb onto this blog for copyright reasons. However, you can see the original story here and I'd love to know what you think.


  1. I think Simi would enjoy Harry Potter more than you!!

  2. Ah perhaps Quidditch was a Sicilian inventions... Actually I'm glad you had a link to a wikipedia site about Quidditch as I have not read any of the books nor seen the films...

  3. Interesting articel Pat, you will have to send the link to JK Rowling herself, sure she would be fascinated!

  4. Hi, Gleds. She probably would! Hi, jams. Neither have I - I had to look it all up. Thanks for that great suggestion, LindyLouMac. I will do that!
