
Friday, April 29, 2011


I was delighted, a few days ago, when my new British-Modican friend Emma called and invited me to "the Royal Wedding - with bacon sarnies", for what Brit - even a diehard Republican like me - could resist the lure of all that pageantry, a big television screen, wonderful company and bacon sarnies?  So it was that a group of about fifteen of us gathered at Emma's house in the Sicilian countryside this morning.

It was easy to pick out the house, although I'd never been there before:

And once inside the gate, there was no mistaking the nature of the occasion.

Emma is an artist and furniture restorer, so indoors there were details like this vintage bunting:

No sooner were we all seated than the bacon sarnies arrived - with "proper" bacon!

And then, during the interval between the arrival of the bridal party at Buckingham Palace and their balcony appearance, lunch was served:

The main course was Emma's delicious Coronation Chicken.

Our friend, artist Marjorie, had made the superb wedding cake, there was also a Victoria sandwich and you can just see my strawberry tiramisù again behind the champagne on the right.  I'll let you have another look at the wedding cake

and the glorious Victoria sandwich:

If these two were the stars of the day for some

for me the top of the bill was Emma's lovely dog, Malaki

who was obviously feeling patriotic too:

Thanks for a lovely day, Emma!

If you are visiting Modica, do stop by Emma's shop.  There you will find the lady herself, plus many objets d'art and other beautiful items.


  1. It sounds like you had a lot of fun :-)

  2. The entire world celebrated today.

  3. Glad you enjoyed yourself. I did, too, with a friend who stayed the night. We had to get up at 2AM to watch it live, but it was well worth being super tired after it all. We enjoyed fish 'n chips on Thursday lunch and then for dinner we had cream cheese & cucumber sandwiches. At 3AM, we enjoyed coffee (to wake us up) with lovely fresh-baked scones! What a day!

  4. I can smell the bacon from here Welshcakes:)

  5. How lovely to have been invited to a Royal Wedding Party. I watched while I was ironing, not quite the same:)

  6. yes Pat you had to join them !! :-) couldn't miss out on a party :-)

  7. We did indeed, Cherie. I think you are right, Rosaria. Hi, Leslie. Goodness me, you did them proud! Did you wear the tiaras? Oh, it was good, Angus! Hi, LindyLouMac. Did it ,make the ironing any less tedious? It's a task I hate. Exactly, Anne.

  8. I've never seen a wedding cake with a white inside.

    Simi was star of the day, surely!!

  9. Hi, Gleds. I gather these are the fashion now. Simi was, of course!

  10. What a lovely way to celebrate... with friends :-)

  11. Yes, it was a fun day, Sally.

  12. What did she cover and ice the cake with? I'm making a cake for someone next week and I want to do some twirls like that. It looks like a soft butter icing maybe?

  13. I'll try and find out, Liz.

  14. You guys didn't just watch, you were actally a part of the whole thing! what with that wedding cake and all?

    I seem to miss the people in photos when dogs are also in it.

    @ LindyLou...we had the same idea in mind. I ironed while I watched but I think lunch and cake was the better idea.

  15. Hi, Bev. Yes, we really felt we were!
