
Saturday, March 05, 2011


One of the best loved songs of the Risorgimento, as sung at the Sanremo Song Festival Unification Celebration, 2011.  The words were penned in 1848 by one Carlo Alberto Bosi who, seated at a table in a tavern in Florence, was inspired to write them when he saw a battalion of Tuscan volunteers marching past on their way to fight the Austrian invaders.  Nobody knows who put a melody to the words, which circulated orally.  I hope you like this song as much as I do:

Luca Barbarossa e Raquel Del Rosario - Addio mia bella addio


  1. Sorry I'm not feeling very musicale today but I just wanted to say Hi! And WOOF to Simi. Thanks for the comment ;)

  2. Thanks for sharing another beautiful song from San Remo.

  3. Ciao, I have found your blog url @ LindyLouMac's :)
    I am Italian, but currently I live in Scotland.
    Great song. I really like Luca Barbarossa's voice and all his songs. It was nice to see his duet with Raquel at Sanremo.
    Cheers and happy March.

  4. Hi, Gleds. Hope you're feeling better. Simi says "woofie-woofie-woo". xx
    I'm glad you like it, LindyLouMac.

  5. Hi, Kia. It's so nice to "meet" you. Where in Italy are you from and do you like Scotland? I like Luca Barbarossa very much too. Happy March to you, too.
