
Thursday, February 17, 2011


Or veal and almond meatballs:

First, toast 100 gr chopped almonds and soak 300 gr ordinary, white bread with the crusts cut off in enough milk to cover.  After a few minutes, drain the bread and give it a good squeeze with your hands.  Now put the bread in a bowl with 500 gr minced veal or lean minced beef, 100 gr grated caciocavallo cheese, the almonds, 3 teasp sugar, a little ground cinnamon and 1 beaten egg.  Mix it all together well with a fork, then use your hands to form balls, which you put on a plate.  [My meatballs tend to get bigger towards the end of this process!]  Now roll the balls first in a bowl containing 2 beaten eggs and then in pane grattuggiato or fresh breadcrumbs.  Fry in sunflower or groundnut oil in a deep pan or wok till browned all over. You will have to do this in batches.  Lift the meatballs out as they are done and drain on kitchen paper.  They will look like this:

When they are cool enough, you can refrigerate them for a couple of hours to firm up if you have time.  Next you have to cook them for about 45 minutes in simmering homemade tomato sauce or passata.  I did this in 2 batches, in a wok.  As I've now run out of the summer's tomato sauce, I used 2 bottles of passata for each batch and I find that the passata with a texture closest to homemade tomato sauce is De Cecco's Rustica.

These quantities will serve 4 - 6 people.   Serve with salad.  Buon appetito!


  1. I am going to try these. Almonds in meatballs...never would have thought!

  2. It looks delicious! With some additions that I've never used before. I also have never done meatballs with veal. It will give a nice different taste to the pasta. I just printed the recipe. I love the name. I will sound like a Chef when I tell my son what's on the menu when he visits this Saturday. Merci beaucoup, Welshcakes!

  3. Sounds good! Kind of unusual the way the meatballs are fried. I had to laugh...I do the same thing. My meatballs get larger as I go along.

  4. Sounds delish! :-)

  5. Oh Sorry, I am a Veggiee! :-(

  6. Hi, Patricia. I was surprised myself at how well it turned out! Hi, Claude. I'm so gladyou like this one. Do let me know how it turns out for you. Bon appétit. Hi, Betty. What a relief that you do the same! Thanks, Saretta. Hello, Pranavam and welcome.

  7. I can't imagine veal and almond meatballs. I am cooking pork meatballs with spaghetti and tomato sauce tomorrow.

    I've just cooked my mother quiche for lunch, and it wasn't even home made. What would the Italians make of that!

  8. Hi, Ellee. I'll ask some of them and let you know!
