
Sunday, February 06, 2011


I have to admit that I am not a fan of Nutella, that ubiquitous hazelnut spread that Italians love to use at breakfast - or what passes for breakfast in Italy.  Nevertheless, I think that World Nutella Day is a lot of fun and the product does not deserve to find itself in the dock in California.

Yes, you read that right:  San Diego mother Athena Honenberg has taken Ferrero USA to court because, having  bought a jar of Nutella for her four-year-old after watching a television advertisement which claimed that the spread provides a healthy breakfast for children, she discovered that it contains 70% saturated fats and refined sugars.

Ferrero is defending both its product and its publicity.  My research showed that Nutella ingredients are listed quite accurately in the USA so I have a suggestion for Ms Honenberg:  next time, read the label!


  1. Read the label? But what would the yank sue over if they did!

  2. I like it, danger all who enter here!
    I am not a fan either. :)

  3. I think maybe she needs to get back to basics and understand what a healthy balanced diet is.

  4. Idiot! Yes, read the label, but really...who would think it makes healthy sense to feed their kids chocolate anything for breakfast. Having said that though, I love Nutella, but I only eat it rarely as it throws my body off for the rest of the day!

  5. Clever enough to take the manufacturer's to court. Thick enough to spread it all over a toddler's breakfast.

    And what DAMAGE precisely was caused?

    You can only sue to rectify ACTUAL DAMAGE.

    Something that "might have happened" ~ that ain't considered by courts of law. Only what DID happened. So unless this kid's teeth all fell out and she's due a couple of grand to replace them she ain't getting f-all. And they only pay out to cover damage actually caused.

    I'm sure she's after $50,000,000 or so because she was unsuccessful in the lottery. I'd love to hear her explain how she lost fifty million dollars through the use of what everyone knows is a highly sugared chocolate spread!

    Stupid cow.

  6. Perfect for the Castle welshcakes-fits in nicely:)

  7. Hahahaha! That's what you get for believing commercials!

  8. I have not seen the commercial but if Ferrero is indeed marketing Nutella as a healthy breakfast for children, then I have lovely mansions to sell in Florida's swamp. Honenberg may be daft for even thinking that some processed spread is actually good for her kids (puh-lease!), but food companies are just as responsible for selling crap to kids. Where is Michelle Obama when you need her? Buahahhaha!

  9. I never buy it but do enjoy it when I'm offered some!

  10. Good point,jams. Glad I'm not the only one, LindyLouMac! I agree, Cherie. You are right, Laura. You should be a lawyer, Gleds! Like your theory. Glad you like the story, Angus. Hi, Saretta. Quite right. Hi, Rowena. Yes,let's get Michelle on the case!

  11. Hi, WW. I've just never taken to it.
