
Sunday, February 27, 2011


This was going to be a post about the helpfulness and thoughtfulness of some of this little town's shopkeepers but all I can think of at the moment is how fragile we all are and how little we know about what destiny has in store for us.

The morning after my birthday having dawned fine and sunny, I went, on foot, to the petstore where Simi goes for grooming and where I sometimes buy her food.  It is a fair way from my house and involves walking along a pavementless, busy road, so I don't go there often but that morning the sun encouraged me and I lingered to window-shop along the way.

Once I'd made my purchases, the owner's wife became concerned about my carrying the heavy bag of dogfood back home on foot and suggested that her husband bring it to my flat after the store closed at 1 pm.  I gratefully accepted her offer and, as I lingered to window-shop on the way back too, I arrived home just as the store owner was pulling up outside our courtyard in his van.

We shook hands, exchanged pleasantries and he asked after Simone's health, she and he being good friends from her grooming sessions over the years.  As he got back into his van and I was waving to his little boy, he called, "Salutami Simi" ["Say hello to Simi"] and off the two went.

Sadly, there will be no more grooming sessions with our kindly friend for Simi, as yesterday I learned that he died of a heart attack later that same day.  I keep seeing him standing in the courtyard in the sunshine and I can't stop thinking about how happy father and son looked as they drove off for what would be their last lunch together.

I am, of course, thinking of the gentle shopkeeper's family at this time and I don't know what the pets of Modica, whom he cared for so tenderly, are going to do without him.


  1. Oh Pat how very sad .. sending you big hugs and prayers for you and this kind friendly mans family .. yes we are all fragile .. take care xoxo

  2. Oh gosh! I am so sorry to hear the news about your friend. What an awful shock for you and his family.

    Thinking of you xx

  3. From John Donne: Any man's death diminishes me because I'm involved in mankind...Therefore never send to ask for whom the bell tolls, it tolls for thee...

    Dear Pat - With prayers for family and friends. Avec amitiƩ!

  4. I'm so sorry to hear this too. He sounds such a lovely man. x

  5. Oh this is so sad, what a shock to the community. I guess he was not very old as you mention a young son.

  6. My prayers and condolences!

  7. Your posts usually uplift me in the morning - but this one made me so sad, for somebody that I do not know! I like the John Donne quote Claude. My thoughts go out to his family

  8. This brought a tear to my eye for the wee boy and his family. You are so right....our lives are very fragile.

  9. That reminds me of when my father passed away Pat, so sad!
    I feel so sad for his condolences.

  10. Life is but a slender thread.
    How sad for you and above all for his family.

  11. So sad and so tragic for this kind man's family. He obviously will be greatly missed. Why are the good ones taken while some nasty bits stay around?

  12. Hi,Anne and thank you. x Hi, Cherie. Yes, a terrible shock for everyone. x Hi, Claude. Thank you so much for that. It is so true. AmitiƩs. Hi, Ellee. Yes, he was. Much appreciated, WW. Hi, LindyLouMac. Yes, many people here are still shocked. As you say, a youngish man. Thank you, Pranavam. Sorry about that, Jan Pag. Your kind thoughts are appreciated. Hi, Marian. Yes, so sad. Hi, Lucia and thank you. Your condolences will be appreaciated. Hi, Scintilla. Yes, a terrible shock and loss for his family. Hi, Flutterby. I keep asking myself that question.

  13. How sad, Pat. But be thankful that you knew him albeit briefly. He obviously was proof that there are good-hearted people in this world.

    Hugs to you and Simi from me and my two furry rascals, one of whom is making it very difficult for me to type at present because she is on my lap and refuses to move!

  14. Hi, Lee. Yes, I will always be thankful that I knew him. Love to you and your furry friends from Simi and me. xx woof!

  15. How sad but what a lovely way to be remembered.
