
Friday, February 25, 2011


Cold, rainy days in Sicily - yes, there are some - can, paradoxically, be more depressing than cold, rainy days in the UK., perhaps because the sky is still light, making it all seem somehow out of place and perhaps because everyone who is able to do so stays indoors, thus making the streets seem strangely deserted.  In addition, some householders regard it as "giving in" to put the heating on, preferring to wear Michelin-man-style padded jackets in their own homes and, when you do meet people as you go about your errands, there is no British "spirit of the blitz - we're all in this weather together" defiance to draw upon.

On such days, reader, the only sensible thing to do is to go home and make yourself a citrus fruit risotto:

First, chop a white onion finely and cook it gently in 2 tablesp olive oil until transparent.  Now add 350 gr risotto rice and let this cook in the oil for a few minutes too.  Now add 8 tablesp of juice from the freshest Sicilian oranges and grapefruit to the mixture and bring it to simmering point, stirring all the time.  Now start gradually adding 750 ml hot water and stir every now and then.  You need to add a little more of the water every time the rice absorbs the last lot.  This should take about 15 minutes altogether.  Once all the water has been absorbed, add 100 gr grated caciocavallo cheese and stir well.  Add salt and pepper to taste.

Garnish with segments of peeled orange and grapefruit, their grated zest and some chopped parsley.

The cooked rice will comfort you and the zing of the citrus fruit will lift your spirits.


  1. NOw I've never thought of a fruit risotto before. Sounds great!

  2. It's raining everywhere it seems. But you are right, there is something wonderful about food to make bring comfort and warmth.

  3. Sounds delish! The day you made your risotto, I made a triple citrus cake!!
    Sending you sunshine~it's starting to happen here.


  4. maybe more depressing as you get the sun and when these days come along it makes it feel worse .. I don't understand this "spirit of the Blitz" .. I have to go out so I do.. I don't always put my heating on either .. wrap up :-) Your risotto sounds delicious :-)

  5. This sounds great...we have blood oranges in season right now in California. I am just learning how to make risotto. Last night we had a porcini mushroom risotto that was very good. This will be a nice alternative. thanks.

  6. This is a new one to me too. It sounds and looks delicious and most welcome on dark days.

  7. I love to make risotto but have never tried it with fruit - its sounds delicious. I will try your recipe but alas no Sicilian oranges and gradefruits available in Montana. There is however a bottle of Limoncello in the fridge. Is the caciocavallo a hard cheese like parmesan, I wonder. I'm off to book club to discuss "The Leopard" so I'll keep you posted. Thanks for the recipe.

  8. It works surprisingly well, jams. Hi, Bev. Today it's even been snowing in Ragusa! Hi, Constance. Triple citrus cake sounds divine. Thanks for your good wishes. Hi, Anne. I can't stand being cold! Hi, Patricia. There's nothing like a good risotto! Hi, Rosaria. I was pleased with the result. Hi, Marian. Caciocavallo is a term that comprises many different types of cheese but you can use parmesan as a substitute here. I used our local ragusano.

  9. Ooh, I never would have thought of putting fruit in risotto like that - sounds yummy, though :)

  10. Just looking at it lifts the spirit.
