
Monday, January 24, 2011


A TV presenter and personality I like very much is Antonella Clerici, as I find her unpretentious, down to earth and close to the Italian people, so I was delighted to receive her cookery book as a Christmas present.

I've tried her involtini di melanzane [which we might loosely translate as "aubergine rolls"] a couple of times now and they are very good.  I must admit that I found the instruction to lay the rolls, of aubergine slices which you first grill and then fill with cooked ham, basil and scamorza cheese, on squashed tinned tomato a strange one, but it works!  I am not a fan of scamorza, so used buffalo mozzarella instead.

My rolls are not perfectly formed and I do wonder whether you would get better shapes if you used the grilled aubergines in oil that you can buy here sometimes, but, in the absence of these, my imperfect shapes will have to do.

Here they are on the tray with the tomatoes 

and, cocktail sticks removed, ready to serve:


  1. Yum! The grilled aubergine in oil sometimes have a touch of vinegar added to them which would alter the taste. I think yours looks delectable!

  2. My rolls are not perfectly formed

    They're a damned sight better than mine.

  3. Antonella looks like a beautiful woman and this looks like an interesting variation to eggplant rolling. I am always looking for a recipe for stuffed baby eggplant filled with a potato bread mixture like my mother-in-law used to make.

  4. Hi, Scintilla. That's true. I also thought they might be a bit too soft. Glad you like the look of mine! Thanks, James. Hi, Pat. Yes, she can look stunning. I'll ask around about a recipe like that.

  5. Yummy, in fact the second aubergine recipe I want to try that I have come across in the blogsphere today.

  6. Hi, WW. Yes, they are, rather. What's the other one, LindyLouMac?

  7. Here is the link for you Pat.
