
Monday, January 31, 2011


I've been wondering for some time how professional chefs manage to decorate antipasti, for instance, so neatly with balsamic vinegar and it wasn't until I saw this product in the supermarket on Saturday that I realised that most of them use a commercially available balsamic glaze!  What is more, I just read that this product has been around since 2009 so why haven't I seen it before?

Okey-dokey, let's try some on a platter:

 Hmmm.... a bit cack-handed on the mortadella and cheese, perhaps, but not bad for a first go....

Getting better... no, that's not it on the pineapple - I grilled the pieces.

Almost getting good at this now....

I soon realised that you have to serve the food immediately after decorating it with the glaze.

I'll let you know when I can do spirals and figures of eight and stuff!



  1. It is looking tasty, especially the last one ;-)

  2. It makes the food look even tastier, HEAVEN!

  3. Very cool! I read recipes sometimes where they tell you to boil down balsamic vinegar to make the glaze, but that is too much fussy work for me, although I love cooking. So, a bottled product is perfect. Your photos look fabulous!

  4. We have balsamic glaze products in Los Angeles and it is wonderful on sliced strawberries and fresh ricotta cheese.

  5. I have never seen this product either, maybe I should look out for some. Thanks for recent comments on my blog from which I expect you have guessed I have not been feeling in top form. February today so can only get better now.

  6. Thanks, Cherie and jams. Hello, Miss footloose. Yes, I've seen those recipes, too. Glad you like the photos. Hi, Patricia and welcome. Interesting to know you have it over there. You'll have to come over and stock up, WW! Hi, LindyLouMac. No, I hadn't guessed. Hope you are feeling better today. Will send you a message on fb. x

  7. Yes I've been getting it here in Toronto too, I put olive oil and then the make a swirly design in the olive oil with the glaze and we dip fresh cut up pieces of french stick bread in it...any bread is good especially the calabrese bread! Dip away!

  8. Ah ah! There is always a secret!

  9. aHA! So that is what it is. It is so deeelicious I still salivate at the memory of an absolutely sumptious appetizer I ate almost three years ago that had this drizzled over the plate. You can bet I am going in search of it now.

  10. Balsamic vinegar with strawberries is delicious, and we use it on all our salads at home.

  11. I'll have to try that, Lucia. Thanks, Liz. You are right, Rosaria. Hi, Bev. I hope you find some. Hi, Ellee. Yes, it has a natural affinity with strawberries - what the Sicilians call "a good marriage".
