
Sunday, January 16, 2011

ETNA - 2

Etna dust under our portico today:

It missed my balcony but was visible on a friend's balcony in Modica Bassa yesterday:

This is the first time I've found any Etna dust in Modica in nearly six years!


  1. Hope the dust isn't hurting much. You have a live volcano there; what are the plans for evacuation should you need to scramble out of town/island quickly?

  2. Wow! What's the writing in the sand?

  3. Crikey, I didn't realise that you were so close to Etna Pat. Hope you've got a good escape plan if it erupts!

    love to you and darling Simi,
    from Chloe cat and

  4. It's all action down your way, Welshcakes.

  5. It is rather, Sally! Hi, Rosaria. No, it's not causing any problems here. We are too far away for it to be a threat to Modica but we do have an earthquake evacuation plan. Hi, Cherie. Hi, WW. It says I'll meet the love of my life this year! Hi, Trubes. We're a good 2 hours away - don't worry. Love to you, Ian and Chloe too. xx woof! It is a bit, Liz. Quite so, James.

  6. Ooere I didn't realize old Dame Edna was quite that near... I hope none got in Simi's fur...

    I'm still blogging I was just slightly urinated-off.

    I wasn't saying I was going I was saying I was having to review posting my mental state online because it feels too precarious to know people are possibly laughing, more probably judging and even just thinking about it because it involves stuff people think is really screwy even though a lot of it now is far lower grade than it was before. If I leave stuff out I have a misleadingly incomplete record. E.g. I went to a meeting and could not keep still bc I was hyper and I had to put that, if I hadn't the post sounded so calm and collected compared to the one before I'd have convinced myself my mood had altered when it had only calmed a bit.

    I need to know what pattern this is going in and in what way (e.g. does it start with sleeping less or more, appetite, etc etc there are about 7 or more factors I really should record every single day then I and any medical people have a true and complete record. I was dreading having to decide how bloody plus good or minus bad I felt anyhow that is so difficult. So the biorhythms format should work a lot better anyhow...

    ... I did get and read the comment you sent quite a while ago about a certain topic I don't want to repeat here and I appreciate it. It might have been one of those posts where I don't post any reply. Because I appreciate the responses but don't know what to say, that's all......

    ......... sorry for going on!

  7. Hi, Gleds. It's about 2 hours away. No, Simi is fine, thanks. Glad you are not giving up blogging. I know what you mean but I don't think anyone is laughing. I also remember the comment you are referring to. You are often in my thoughts, as I'm sure you are in those of many of your readers. Never give up! Take care and you didn't go on. xx
