
Monday, December 13, 2010


Yesterday afternoon's Multilingual Carol Service in Modica Bassa saw a huge turnout and for me, signified what Christmas should be about:  reaching out to others in a spirit of peace and tolerance.

Here is the programme, cleverly designed by my friend Linda:

And here is the scene set ready for the readings and carols to begin. Some of you may recognise Gino's collage here:

We began by singing Venite Fedeli [Oh Come, All Ye Faithful] together in Italian, the language which unites us all and then there was Italy's favourite carol [and mine], Tu scendi dalle stelle.  Carols and readings followed in French, Malagasy, Bosnian, Greek, German, Spanish, Sicilian dialect, Danish, Dutch and English.  Not all the readings were religious and I read from Dylan Thomas's A Child's Christmas in Wales.  Finally we all sang the first verse of Astro del Ciel [Silent Night] in Italian, French, German, Spanish and English.

A French ensemble

Poem being read in Malagasy

A German carol is sung

A Spanish carol sung with much jolly hand-clapping

Candlelight for a Danish carol

The British contingent

Everyone had brought along a dish from their country to share so there was a fine feast afterwards. We were happy to welcome some new friends from Somalia and Eritrea and we hope they will join us often for social events.


  1. How wonderful! I had no idea Sicily contained such a multinational constituency.

    Happy Holidays, Pat and Simone.

  2. I find it so nice that you read from D. Thomas' book, I've always been tempted to buy it since there is a good translation of it in Catalan.
    That was a real feast, how fun!

  3. It warms my heart.

    I also love your quotation from Camus.

  4. How lovely to be able to participate in such a service.
    Have a wonderful Christmas and I look forward to continuing to follow your blog in 2011.

  5. Hi, lakeviewer. Well, I suppose it's always been multicultural because it had so many invasions. But it's true that you see more different nationalitieds here these days than even when I came 5 years ago.
    Hi, Josep. Oh, it's a lovely book. You must buy it!
    Buon Natale a te, WW.
    Thanks, Claude. I don't think I've ever told you I'm a French and Italian graduate and taught French in the UK for many years. Camus has always been one of my favourite authors. Glad someone has noticed those quotes!
    HI, LindyLouMac. I hope you have a great Xmas too and a very Happy New Year.

  6. Quel plaisir! Vous êtes si connaissante et charmante. Joyeux Noël, Pat et Simi.

  7. Je vous en remercie, Claude. Je vous souhaite un très joyeux Noel.

  8. That is a lovely looking program, very festive :-)

  9. Hi, Cherie. Yes, Linda did well.
