Wednesday, December 01, 2010


The Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera has invited readers to choose a word which would sum up their private lives in 2010 and email their choices to the newspaper's website.

The top ten words in 2009 were:  amore [love], lavoro [work], crisi [crisis], famiglia [family], amici or amicizia [friends or friendship], facebook, casa [home], speranza [hope], cambiamento [change] and futuro [future].  There were only slight differences in the words submitted by men and women, with "facebook" coming above "family" in the men's list and "Obama" coming in at number ten.   "Trans" [transsexual] also appears in the men's list.  The word "delusione" [disappointment] came in at number ten in the women's list. ["Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose."]

There were some regional differences, with "crisi" being the top word in Central and Northern Italy.  The word "Berlusconi" also makes it into the top ten at number seven in the North.  But I am proud to say that "amore" remains at number one in the South, including the islands.

Other popular words were:  ragù, soldi [money], stress, sesso [sex] and briscola [a card game].

What word would you choose to sum up your 2010?  Mine would be "CRAP"!


Italian Postcards said...

My word would be "turbulence". Your flying along smoothly and then it gets bumpy out of nowhere, then back to smooth. Yep turbulence.

Betty said...

Mine would be stressed! :)

jams o donnell said...

Ah I don't have one word to sum up the whole year, Up to August I would say, pain (the word of 2009 too!) and then on change

Laura said...

"Crap!" Oh dear...I'm sorry.

I think I would have to choose "Change" for 2010.

Rosaria Williams said...

Healthcare! All the hoopla that went in the passage of the Healthcare Bill here in the States pitted us all against one another. Sorry state of affairs.

I do hope, your "crap" wasn't too crappy, Pat.

Claude said...

I would choose Incredible. In October, my son Martin gave a kidney to a member of his church, a mother of two, who had difficult dialyses. The kidney was compatible. Everything went fine. It's marvellous to see the young woman recovering well. She'll be back to work in 1-2 months after two years absence, with such a tragic prognosis. Truly a miracle!

James Higham said...

Annus horribilis?

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, IP. I certainly know that feeling! Hi, Betty. I can understand that, with all you have been through this year. Thinking of you. x Hi, Nerys. I'm sure it will this year! Yes, hibernation weather up there, I hear. Hi, jams. That sounds positive. I hope any change you are experiencing is positive too, Laura. Hi, lakeviewer. That's a good choice. Such a pity that Bill set people arguing so much. It has been pretty crappy, to be honest. Claude, what a wonderful and uplifting story. Thank you so much for sharing it here. Hi, James. I'd go along with that one!

Gledwood said...

I thought "lavoro" meant lavatory!!

Rowena said...

I'm still trying to figure out where 2010 went. On the 25th of February or March, I teased my husband that xmas was only 3 quarters of a year away, and then I would continue to joke on the 25th of every month that went by. Oddly enough, I forgot about November and now xmas is practically in my front yard (that is, if you consider snow having anything to do with xmas in Italy).

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Nice one, Gleds! Hi again, Nerys. You've done a lot of travelling this year, haven't you? Hi, Rowena. You've made me laugh! Hard to imagine snow here!

Ellee Seymour said...

So sorry Welshcakes. Take care. x

LindyLouMac said...

Sorry you had such a bad year, it has certainly been 'strano'
Take care x

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Thanks, Ellee and LindyLouMac. xx

Liz Hinds said...

I love the fact that facebook's in there!

At least you're healthy this year, pat.

Italie emigratieverhalen said...

Emozione and passione, as these are used so often, especially in official speeches at events, concerts etc.


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