Monday, December 06, 2010


We have the Chocobarocco Festival in Modica this week and I was fascinated to come acoss these pretty, multicolured lasagne by CioMod.  The sheets are made from the hard wheat flour of Puglia and the colours are worked by our Modican chocolate makers, using cocoa, spinach, beetroot,  paprika and turmeric.  I can't wait to try this in a recipe!


sally in norfolk said...

wow those lasagna sheets look great fun :-)

Laura said...

That is beautiful pasta! I'd like to find some of that to use.


Claude said...

A lovely combination of colours. I hope we get some in Toronto. Please, post the recipe and a photo, when you use it.

Rosaria Williams said...

What will they come up with next?

Rowena said...

I'd have to say that they are also just the right pasta for xmas. You can never have enough color on the dinner table!

Whispering Walls said...

Very festive - you could "wrap" a ribbon of green cabbage around it?

Lucia said...

Interesting...don't know if I'd want to eat it!

Liz Hinds said...

Oka, i am moving to Sicily.

James Higham said...

cocoa, spinach, beetroot, paprika and turmeric

The combinations in Modica always stun.

LindyLouMac said...

I can't wait to hear about the results, if I ever see any would definitely buy some, what fun :)

Welshcakes Limoncello said...

Hi, Sally. Yes, it does, doesn't it? Hi, Laura. I expect they will export it soon. Hi, Claude. I will. Hi, lakeviewer. I'm always amazed at their innovations! Hi, Rowena. You are right. Good idea, WW! Welcome back, btw. I'm sure it will taste good, Lucia. Simi says be sure to bring George, Liz! Hi, Nerys. I'm sure it will make its way up North soon. Indeed they do, James. Hi, LindyLouMac. I expect you will find it where you are soon.


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